Widika Sidmore / by Sharon Angelia

Lucid and relaxed, Widika carries herself in ease.

On the day of our photoshoot, she visited me at my house, all the way from Ubud on a rainy day.

She did not seem to worry with pretty much everything on that day; the dress, the earrings, the sand, the waves, the sky, and the pouring rain.

Her sunset was opaque, balmy, but nonetheless, it was hers.

Earrings by Tulola

Earrings by Tulola


S: Tell me… a conversation between your ego and your spirit...

W: Hmm, that would be my spirit talking to my ego, “Why so serious? Stop being so tense”.


S: You told me you love to watch movie so much, if your soul was a movie, what would be the opening scene?

It would start with a misty morning, dew drops enveloping every inch of the land, it’s still dark but the birds are waking up, you could hear a few of them chirping while a gentle breeze gracing young branches of hundreds of orange trees as long as the eyes could see. Rows and rows of orange trees with its sweet scent covering the air.
A girl, in a peach dress as light as feather, barefoot as she sprints towards the East.

(Spring 1 Recomposed by Max Richter: Vivaldi. Starts to play in the background)

Her skin translucent, glow dimly as the stars marking their memories on to her. Her dark long hair flows as she ran and ran and ran to the horizon - out of breath with tears in her eyes but a smile on her lips,
as the morning rays cut through the mist and touches her skin, as the warmth of the sunrise engulf her, she evaporates into thin air... but the sun still rises majestically as the earth wakes up in its grace...

(essence carried by the wind to the West where the Sun is still asleep)


S: Modelling seems to be working out quite well for you, isn’t it?

W: Modeling has been such a big part of my life, definitely something I'm familiar with, I had the time of my life being part of the Industry and its part of my legacy. It has been a jolly ride!

Earrings by Studio Ruang

Earrings by Studio Ruang


S: Ah, how about acting?

W: Acting is my current passion, I love it, I’m obsessed with it, I’m passionate with the entire world of acting, theater and film!

I started acting in a theater, that's the beginning of this journey, really.


S: What is the most essential element in acting? And...in modelling?

W: Believe in yourself, have courage, explore the depth of your imagination, be ready to work very hard and have fun, plenty of fun.

Don’t worry to be weird or out of this world, that’s the best part of all because you need to portray someone who is completely different than who you are.
Earrings by Studio Ruang

Earrings by Studio Ruang


Her hair was wet, her eyes reflecting the rain drops on the sea,

and her feet eloquently mapped the setting sun.

Wardrobes by BIASA, Copy Editor Prinka Saraswati.

— Her Sunset